My essay on “Why I Make” went live today on American Craft’s blog.
I was so happy to write this piece, since I really believe that good writers need a “physical” outlet– something to give them the chance to get away from writing mentally.
I was super glad that some commenters and readers found it funny and related to it– this is my goal in writing many of my blog posts. Vivid writing that makes you laugh and gets you to look at the mundane in a new way.
My post is part of their series “Why I Make.” I submitted to them after I heard the prompt via their Facebook page, which I “like.” This is one great way to find writing opportunities, Â finding writing work in an area in which you:
- are interested
- have working knowledge of the topic
- know the lingo (so yes I DO know what a “bind-off” means in knitting, though its abbreviation “BO” is like say what?)
- Might already have a few connections on Twitter, etc. who will like and read and share it.
I am grateful to Elizabeth Ryan at American Craft for spotting me in the email abyss. Every essay is another chance to flex those muscles.