bias pleats
all the boys liked to grab
sarah’s boob one or
the other
when they passed her
locker like
she was a sideshow attraction
a free one
they’d honk the flesh like
an old car horn
some even making the
arrrooogah… Read the rest “bias pleats”
Writer. Demand Poet.
all the boys liked to grab
sarah’s boob one or
the other
when they passed her
locker like
she was a sideshow attraction
a free one
they’d honk the flesh like
an old car horn
some even making the
arrrooogah… Read the rest “bias pleats”
The goal of #Nanowrimo is, basically, to barf out an entire book in 30 days.
Nanowrimo forces you to push your literary muscles to their breaking point.
The goal is to FINISH, to untrain yourself of delay, obfuscations, and so-called … Read the rest “Facing Down Nanowrimo 2014: Third Time’s No Room for Excuses”