The boy kept grabbing, kept putting his
Hands all over me and saying — one way or
Another: “mine,” and I didn’t have the
Words at first, nor then the steel, then
The will to stop him. I let … Read the rest “Mine”
Writer. Demand Poet.
The boy kept grabbing, kept putting his
Hands all over me and saying — one way or
Another: “mine,” and I didn’t have the
Words at first, nor then the steel, then
The will to stop him. I let … Read the rest “Mine”
I try to try harder. To look under
Heavier rocks and inside murkier
Metaphors. But the grey of morning
Lifted her head and said:Â oh for
Heaven’s sake, sweetie. Stop trying to
Interchange my mountains and
Molehills. Instead … Read the rest “Between the Morning Trees, You’ll Find It”
It’s all an illusion: to carry a
Coffee full and fret a
Little if it will drop on the white
Rug or if it will scorch your
Tongue. Eventually every cup
Goes cold and empty, just dregs
And those … Read the rest “To Get Things Done”
I had a ticket on the
Carnival ride called anger in my
Hand and I gave it to her
And she tore it in half
And then the popcorn bucket
Exploded because the
Carny never bothered to
Buckle anyone … Read the rest “The Carnival Ride Called Anger”
Here are my hands, pulling apart the arms of the
Berry bush, to find this little blue planet.
If I don’t take you now, sweetheart,
You are dead. I see your little sister
Squashed flat in the hay under … Read the rest “Life Sentence”