
Who My Clients Are

Is this you?

  • You have no blog or “About Us” page & possibly zero educational or “news” info on your site
  • Your website is disorganized.
  • The website design is functional but not current or secure. It needs updating, but you don’t know where to start
  • You are on social media, you think?? Or it’s all you are currently using, with no website.
  • Or possibly you have no social media, and no idea why you need it or how to use it.
Wordpress Digital Content Elizabeth Howard

First, you should know — you are not alone.

I regularly meet smart, established business owners who say to me:

  • “Do I really need a website?”
  • “I don’t know WHAT to say about myself on my website. Or how!”
  • “I let my tech people handle my website.”

They are excited by the growth that digital marketing brings to their business. But they are also overwhelmed, and afraid to invest in precious resources into the wrong consultant.

You are right. It is overwhelming. But it isn’t an impossible task.

I’m a Website Fixer and Digital Marketing Consultant

I can fix your website, build it from scratch, or make it function better. I incorporate the current best practice for SEO (search optimizing) that will ensure your site doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.

Content Specialist for Small Business Services:

  • Digital Content Optimization
  • Copywriting
  • Article writing
  • Interview and Research Report Writing
  • Copy Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Website Mapping
  • Social Media Integration
  • WordPress and SquareSpace integrations.

How you are feeling about digital marketing

And you feel like: hey, why am I bothering? I have no idea what I am doing or how to do it.

Or maybe: I still have some loyal customers. But I have no idea how to advertise anymore. I have a website! Isn’t that good enough? I miss the days of newspapers.

Digital marketing is one of the most important yet under-addressed aspects of small business.


Because it’s terrifying. And it requires multiple levels of skill in technologies that change daily. If you feel overwhelmed, that’s totally understandable.

Deep breath.

In case you aren’t convinced about online searching, please note:

  • 68% of consumers say positive reviews made them trust a local business more (BrightLocal study)
  • 81% of shoppers research online before purchasing  ( study)
  • Shoppers visit three e-commerce stores on average before making a purchase ( study)
  • 50% of all mobile searches are conducted in hopes of finding local results, and 61% of those searches result in a purchase.  (Search Engine Watch)
  • 48% of users say that if they arrive on a business site that isn’t working well on mobile, they take it as an indication of the business simply not caring.  (Via HubSpot & Zero Gravity)

Let’s Get Started

Your website (and entire online presence) has three  jobs to do. If it isn’t doing its job, then it stops your current and potential clients from finding you.

Your online presence should:
  • reach and educate your customers (using the keywords they are using to find your products and services)
  • tell stories that create connections to your business
  • provide your current and potential customers with the tools needed to connect them with what they need and want (payment plans, contact forms, delivery options, PayPal, product customization, etc).

Your website must function properly, be up-to-date and secure, in mobile and desktop formats.

E Howard 2021
E. Howard

Hire me for: 

  • optimized writing for both human visitors and search engines
  • increased conversion rate
  • brand differentiation
  • the right language at the right moment;
  • emotional and committed relationship with your customers;
  • credibility for you and your brand
  • complete social media integration

Hire me now.

Fees are negotiated by project.

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