No Wonder Poems book by Elizabeth G Howard

Now available! No Wonder: Poems

Elizabeth G. Howard’s poetry collection”No Wonder” transforms the ordinary, offering a profound exploration of love, caregiving, and the complexities of middle age. This collection isn’t just poetry; it’s a journey through the heart of everyday life..

Demand Poetry

Elizabeth G. Howard


I am an interdisciplinary literary artist and journalist who uses poetry, imagery, video and storytelling to start conversations. 

I am available to facilitate artist and writing workshops.

Projects & Workshops

Click below to learn more.

You can find regular poetry and reflection at The Zed Review on Substack. When you subscribe (free or paid), you’ll receive the writing right to your email everyday!

Past & Ongoing Projects

Visual haiku
Visual Haiku on Instagram
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New Chapbook Coming 2023.
Facilitation with Mid-America Arts
Demand Poetry – Custom Poetry
Writer's Colony at Dairy Hollow Residency
Writer’s Residency at Dairy Hollow
Blog for Elizabeth Howard Letters from Home
Culture. Angst. Love
30 Poems in 30 Day – Tupelo Press
MArketing For Green Guitar Folkhouse
I ❤️ Digital Marketing for GGFH